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How to Improve Your Cash Management with Brink's 24SEVEN App

Carlos Aguero

01 May 2022

There's an app for just about everything these days, including one that can help you manage your business cash like never before. 24SEVEN is a key component of Brink's complete solution, giving you the ability to stay connected to your cash digitally.

24SEVEN has several features to streamline your cash management process.

Digitally record in-store deposits

You already know the exercise. When it comes to the way many businesses make cash deposits, it usually goes something like this: Employees count and bag cash, sit in traffic on the way to and from the bank, and deal with long lines at the bank. bank. This process wastes valuable time that could be spent in the store helping your customers. Plus, while your employees are banking, you probably hope they don't lose money or get robbed along the way.


With 24SEVEN, your employees can record deposits from the safety and comfort of your store. As part of Brink's Complete, a secure smart safe called Brink's Box will be installed in your store. When an employee needs to record a deposit, they simply place the cash in a barcoded Brink's deposit bag, open 24SEVEN on a mobile device or computer, scan or enter the barcode on the bag, review and submit the deposit, and then drop the barcoded deposit bag at the Brink's checkout. From there, Brink's will send the funds to the bank account of your choice the next business day, which can help improve your cash flow. With typical manual cash processing, you must wait for associates or third-party vendors to process deposits, which could delay your access to working capital.


Deposit Tracking

You will never again wonder where your deposits and exchange orders are with 24SEVEN. The app provides clear visibility, showing you the location of your deposits once they are picked up by our Brink's couriers and when they arrive at our branches for processing. You can also access the dates of your deposits and total amounts collected by Brink's couriers and counted by our branches.


Transparency, convenience and efficiency in one place

The powerful 24SEVEN app simplifies time-consuming tasks and digitizes cash management. By keeping you connected to your cash anytime, anywhere, and with the ability to record deposits, change orders, and track activity, you can do so much more with 24SEVEN. Ready to learn more about how our app and Brink's Complete solution can help your business? Connect with our team for more details.

For more information you can follow us on our social networks.

Instagram: @Brinkscompletepma

Linkedin: Brink's Panamá

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